
    Consultation hotline: XiaoPin 19120656812 / XiaoHe 19927430380     Chinese  English

    Produced by Pinhe   Must be a boutique

    International R&D and manufacturing base

    Consultation Service Hotline

    XiaoPin (same WeChat account)
    XiaoHe (same WeChat account)

    Sample processing

    OEM/sample processing

    Ten value-added services

    Provide one-stop services for registered customers, including cosmetics research and development, production, packaging, and after-sales service.

    Cosmetics OEM refers to the OEM production of cosmetics, also known as OEM production or contract manufacturing. The basic meaning is that cosmetic owners do not directly produce products, but use their key core technologies to design and develop new products, control sales channels, and entrust other cosmetic manufacturers of similar products to produce specific cosmetic processing tasks through contract orders. Afterwards, buy out the ordered products at a low price and directly label them with your own. The cooperative mode of entrusting others to produce is referred to as cosmetic OEM. Manufacturers who undertake cosmetic processing tasks are called cosmetic OEM manufacturers, and the products they produce are called cosmetic OEM products. It can be seen that OEM production belongs to the category of cosmetics processing and trade

    Suitable for customers:Registered clients who have completed planning and product design.


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